We have a large base of publicly traded holding companies and banks. As a result, a significant part of our practice involves assisting these companies in preparing and filing their periodic reports with the SEC (or the FDIC), including Forms 10-Q, 10-K, 8-K and shareholder proxy statements. We also advise clients on listing options on national securities exchanges. Many of our clients also rely on us to advise them on the selection of a transfer agent, and communications with FINRA as well as proxy advisory services such as ISS and Glass Lewis.
Disclosure issues present some of the most challenging questions under the federal securities laws, and we are routinely asked by our clients to review press releases and other public disclosures, as well as advise them when and whether it is appropriate to disclose information to the public.
A significant part of our public company and shareholder relations practice also involves advising clients on annual meeting matters, including the timing for including new SEC regulatory requirements, say-on-pay and executive compensation matters, shareholder proposals and dealing with shareholder activists. We routinely advise companies on proxy contests and strategies for both dealing with and winning proxy fights with activist shareholders.
We also advise clients regarding the impact of new SEC regulations and changes in listing requirements for NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of deregistering as a reporting company with the SEC.