Alert – Nasdaq Adopts Diversity Rules

August 17, 2021

To our clients and friends:

Nasdaq's proposal to adopt new listing rules related to board diversity requirements and disclosure has been approved by the SEC.

Our Alert regarding the new rules is available here.


Potential E-Mail Scam Regarding Insider Trading Claim

June 4, 2021

We have become aware of a potential scam in which an e-mail is being sent by an anonymous employee to a company’s Ethics Committee identifying a potential insider trading violation by the employee’s superior at the company. This e-mail has been received by several clients through their whistleblower procedures. Please note that we believe this to be a phishing scam. As a result, before you respond to the e-mail or further engage with this party, we would recommend that you notify your IT department and discuss with us whether the potential claim is valid.

The contact information for our partners is contained below: