Jeff Cardone and Scott Brown presented at the Illinois Bankers Association’s The One Conference on March 5, 2020. Cybersecurity, vendor management and BSA have been of increased focus of the regulators. The presentation, titled “Operational Enterprise Risk Management Hot Topics” discussed the importance of having a strong corporate governance framework and best practices for boards… Read more »
Posts By: tames
Luse Gorman is Legal Counsel to Carroll Bancorp, Inc. in its Proposed Merger with Farmers and Merchants Bancshares, Inc.
On March 6, 2020, Carroll Bancorp, Inc., Eldersburg, Maryland, the holding company for Carroll Community Bank, a Maryland-chartered bank, and Farmers and Merchants Bancshares, Inc., Hampstead, Maryland, the holding company for Farmers and Merchants Bank, a Maryland-chartered bank, announced the signing of a definitive merger agreement pursuant to which Carroll Bancorp will merge with and… Read more »
Jeff Cardone presented at the Florida Bankers Association’s Asset Liability Management Conference
Jeff Cardone presented at the Florida Bankers Association’s Asset Liability Management Conference on January 31, 2020 in Orlando, Florida. The presentation titled “Capital Planning in 2020 – Key Considerations for Bank Executives” focused on best practices for community banks with respect to raising capital, including an update on the new community bank leverage ratio, strategic… Read more »
Alert – NCUA’s Proposed Bank Acquisition Rules
To our clients and friends: Acquisitions by credit unions of banks have become much more common over the last few years. As a result, the National Credit Union Administration (the “NCUA”) recently issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (the “Proposed Rule”) to prescribe procedures for reviewing and approving bank acquisitions by federally-insured credit unions (“FICUs”)…. Read more »
Federal Reserve Bank Control Rules
To our clients and friends: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has adopted new rules regarding when an investor will be presumed to have, directly or indirectly, acquired control of a banking organization for purposes of the Bank Holding Company Act and the Home Owners’ Loan Act. The new rules, which clarify… Read more »